What are the benefits and harms of olive oil for the skin?

Benefits and harms of olive oil for skin; Olive oil, which is an oil rich in vitamins and minerals, makes meals healthier and more delicious when used in meals; When used in skin and hair care, it nourishes, moisturizes and beautifies our hair and skin.
Olive oil has amazing effects not only on our overall health but also on the health of our skin; Many women use it as a material for skin care masks.
Olive oil contains many vitamins A, D, K and E; When applied directly to the skin, it accelerates the regeneration of skin cells and rejuvenates the skin.
Among the benefits of olive oil for the skin is that it deeply hydrates tired, chapped and dry skin and is excellent for chapped skin and especially for stretch marks.
In this article titled “The Benefits and Harms of Olive Oil for Skin”, we will first try to talk about the benefits of olive oil and then talk about the wonderful skin care masks you can make with the oil olive.
Here are the details you need to know about skin care with olive oil:
Benefits of olive oil for skin
What are the benefits of applying olive oil to your skin and face?
Moisturizes the skin :
Thanks to the vitamin E it contains, olive oil moisturizes the skin when applied to it. It softens the skin and leaves it soft and baby-like.
You can have brighter, more hydrated skin the next day by cleansing your skin with olive oil, moistened in a clean cotton pad, after removing your makeup before going to bed at night.
Cleans the skin :
The benefits of olive oil for skin include opening the skin pores, cleansing toxins, waste, dirt and harmful substances, and closing the skin pores.
At this point you can also benefit from olive oil as an effective skin tonic!
To exfoliate your skin with olive oil, mix a quarter cup of vinegar and water and a half cup of olive oil in a bowl.
Cleanse your skin with this mixture you have prepared before going to bed at night.
It is good for puffiness under the eyes :
Olive oil hydrates and nourishes the skin; It can also easily be used for the eye contour and eye care.
You can improve the tired and bad appearance of the eye area by applying a small amount of olive oil to the bruised, swollen and darkened eyes under and around the eyes.
For best results, we recommend applying olive oil stored in the refrigerator to the under-eye area.
Cleans makeup deeply :
When you run out of the makeup remover or toner you usually use at home, you can alternatively benefit from the cleansing power of olive oil.
You can thoroughly cleanse your skin of makeup by wiping your face with olive oil on a piece of cotton wool.
Relieves itching and redness of the skin :
Olive oil, antiseptic, antibacterial and natural anti-inflammatory; Thanks to the acid present in its ingredients, it relieves itchy skin and treats redness.
Thanks to the vitamin E contained in its ingredients, it hydrates the skin and treats flaky and flaky skin.
You can benefit from olive oil for skin care in treating psoriasis, eczema, and itching.
At this stage you can also take advantage of the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of honey.
To combat itching and redness, mix equal quantities of extra virgin olive oil and organic honey in a glass container.
Apply the mixture to red or itchy areas of the skin. You can rinse your skin after waiting about ten minutes.
Treats acne and pimples :
Olive oil, natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory; When applied to acne and pimples on the skin, it kills bacteria and relieves inflammation.
Helps skin heal and become smoother in less time.
Eliminates skin imperfections :
Sun spots, dark brown spots and black spots on the skin can be easily treated with olive oil.
Olive oil helps the skin lighten and regain its natural color, thanks to the vitamin E it contains.
To treat stains with olive oil, first heat some olive oil in a coffee maker.
When the olive oil is warm, massage it into the blemishes on your skin. After waiting about 30 minutes, rinse your skin with plenty of water.
Repeat this process several times a day.
Shows anti-aging effects :
The benefits of olive oil for the skin include removing skin wrinkles, accelerating skin regeneration with its anti-aging effect, and fighting the signs of premature skin aging.
Olive oil acts as a protective shield for the skin against the damaging effects of free radicals, thanks to its high vitamin E content.
To eliminate the signs of premature aging, look younger and protect your skin from external factors, heat some olive oil in the microwave or in a coffee maker and then apply it to your skin.
You can repeat this process several times a day.
Benefits of Olive Oil with Garlic for Skin
Provides excellent protection against skin cancer, relieves itchy skin, dermatitis, etc. The garlic and olive oil mask, which relieves the symptoms of diseases, literally regenerates the skin.
This anti-inflammatory acne mask, which relieves acne; On the other hand, it heals damage caused by sun rays on the skin.
2-3 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon pure extra virgin olive oil
Preparation and application:
First, crush the garlic in a mortar.
Then mix the olive oil and garlic well in a glass bowl.
Apply the mixture first to acne, pimples and skin imperfections and then to the entire face.
After waiting about 30 minutes, rinse your skin with plenty of water.
Repeat this process once or twice a week.
Egg mask with olive oil that beautifies the skin
This mask, which rejuvenates and beautifies the skin, softens it and makes it silky.
If you have a dry skin type, you can hydrate it with this mask and make sure your skin looks at least 3-5 years younger.
1 tablespoon honey
Yolk of 1 egg
1 tablespoon pure olive oil
A few drops of lemon juice
Preparation and Application:
Mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl until you obtain a smooth consistency.
Apply the mixture all over your face.
After waiting 10 minutes, rinse the skin with plenty of water.
Repeat this process several times a week.
Coconut oil mask with olive oil with anti-aging effects:
This mask firms the skin and fights skin cracks; Firms the skin and prevents sagging skin.
You can try this mask to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles that start to appear on your skin.
2 tablespoons pure olive oil
1 tablespoon coconut oil
Preparation and Application:
Mix both ingredients well in a glass bowl until you obtain a creamy consistency.
In the evening, before going to bed, apply the mask all over your face, massaging it with your fingertips.
When you wake up the next morning, rinse your skin with plenty of water.
You can repeat this process 2-3 times a week.