You can get rid of facial hair in minutes

You can get rid of facial hair in minutes

If you want to overcome your facial hair problem and are looking for the best treatment, we’ve found it! The remedy that comes with it is fantastic for removing facial hair, and if you use it correctly, you won’t throw it away!


1 teaspoon coconut oil
3 tablespoons of flour

Instructions for use

Gently rub coconut oil all over your face until your skin absorbs it completely. At this point, mix the flour with the water to make a glue frame. Apply it to your face similar to hair growth. Let it dry; It takes about 15 minutes. Drain, then wash your face with warm water. Apply a toner and lotion (ideally regularly).

You have to renew this system twice a week for a month and your hair will be completely drained. In case an opposite strand of hair appears, apply this sticker and apply it again.


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