What are the benefits and harms of ice for the skin?

What are the benefits and harms of ice for the skin?

What are the benefits and harms of ice for the skin? At home we use ice to cool our drinks, to avoid the accumulation of blood in that area and to prevent pain in case of injuries resulting from bumps or sprains. Based on this we can understand that blood flow accelerates in the area where ice is applied and therefore can be beneficial for the skin. Plus, when you get up every morning and wash your face, everyone immediately notices the revitalizing effect of even cold water on your face.

However, the thing to keep in mind when applying ice cubes is that they do not come into direct contact with the skin right out of the freezer. Ice can stick to skin that is too warm and cause an injury called frostbite. This condition manifests itself with redness of the skin due to sudden changes in temperature and cracks in the blood vessels that supply the skin near the top layer of the skin. Blood leaking from cracks can also cause bruising on the face. It will be enough to wait for the ice to warm up for 2-3 minutes and wrap it preferably in a thin refrigerator bag, gauze or cheesecloth.

The effect of ice on the skin

The benefit of ice for the skin is that it closes the pores. Especially if you use ice before makeup, it will make it look smoother, and when you use foundation, you will get porcelain skin with makeup. Massage your face in circular motions with ice 10-15 minutes before applying makeup. You will immediately notice that your completely cold skin has a non-porous structure. Furthermore, expression lines and slight wrinkles are eliminated. It can remain effective for about 2-3 hours. Continue until you get out into the sun. Even if you apply it every day, it has a toning effect and over time manages to close the pores to a point not visible to the naked eye.

When you wake up in the morning with swollen eyes or sometimes cry too much, ice comes to your rescue. If you freeze not only ice water, but also used tea bags before the liquid they contain is lost, you will also have very fast-acting anti-inflammatories. Rose water ice cubes are a useful formula for eliminating both droopy eyelids and bags under the eyes. Because it is oilier than regular water, the freezing process may take longer. That’s why it’s a good idea to always keep it in an ice tray. Another useful recipe is to freeze the Nescafé you have prepared without sugar and store it in an ice cube tray on your dark circles. Thanks to the caffeine contained in each anti-bruising eye contour cream, you can achieve very noticeable results with regular use.

Apply ice to the pimples
Inflammatory pimples, also known as acne, sometimes grow larger and become painful. With the help of this mold you will be able to eliminate the problem of bumps on your face, which will now become almost purple due to the pulsating, crimson color. Applying ice to acne until it numbs is best for relieving both pain and swelling. If you have widespread acne all over your face, you can crush ice cubes into small particles with a food processor and apply them to your face for 20 minutes while lying on an ice pack.

You can apply ice packs not only to your face but also to areas of your body with varicose veins to relieve pain and reduce internal bleeding. On the back of the legs and arms, where cellulite is concentrated, you can see amazing results by applying ice cubes in large bags 3-4 days a week to freeze fat particles and keep the skin tight. It should be held on the problem area for at least half an hour and a maximum of 1 hour. Applying ice to your abdomen and waist is dangerous because it can cause a cold.

If it hurts a lot when you remove excess hair from your eyebrows, you can eliminate this problem with the numbing effect of ice. Applying ice to your eyebrows 10 minutes before plucking them will help you feel pain-free for a while.

If you have trouble with sunspots on your skin, you can make a blemish-repelling formula by adding ½ scoop of apple cider vinegar to ½ scoop of water and freezing it in ice cube trays. Ice cubes, which you can easily use morning and evening, remove blemishes and also have a tightening effect on pores.

Ice molds prepared with mineral water instantly transform your pale and lifeless appearance into a shining star. Replenishes some skin minerals that are lost especially during the summer months. The refreshing sensation of ice melting on your face as you massage it will keep you energized throughout the day.

Since the ice that will be your beauty secret must be prepared with various liquids and takes time to freeze; We recommend stocking up on some freezers on your days off.

Damage due to ice on the skin
Answer the questions that come to mind about what are the benefits and harms of ice on the skin or is it harmful to put ice on the face;

Depending on the texture of some people’s skin, ice can cause damage in some cases. Since the vascular structures of people, especially those with white skin, are very close to the skin surface, direct application of ice particles can cause skin rashes, irritation and deterioration of capillary function. When ice is applied directly to thin capillaries, cracks in the vessels and, as a result, bleeding areas on the skin may occur.

In these cases, when applying ice to the skin, it is not possible to apply it directly but by wrapping it in gauze or cloth.



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