Skin Care Tips Based On Your Age

Skin Care Tips Based On Your Age

Age-Based Skin Care Tips We need to protect our skin and keep it healthy at every stage of our life. While it may seem like only the facial area needs cleaning, our hands, elbows, and feet also need care. The bathroom occupies an important place in every stage of our life when it comes to cleansing the body and skin. It is ideal for removing dirt, dust and even stress from the environment throughout the day. Body lotions, which we apply throughout the day after a good bath on aching hands, feet and joints, make our skin and ourselves feel good thanks to their hydrating and pleasant aromas.


Skin care is important at all ages

We start being exposed to the harmful effects of the sun right from our childhood. Sunburn caused by sun exposure without using sunscreen can also lead to hospitalization. The sun can cause permanent skin damage, freckles and blemishes on the bodies of people with very thin skin, especially children. Therefore, we must acquire the habit of using sunscreen from an early age.


Those with very high protection factors are not to be preferred as they do not transfer the beneficial benefits of the sun to our body. A factorial of 20 to 25 is sufficient for infants, and a factorial of 15 is sufficient for adults. It should be known that vitamin D is a hormone of the body, and this hormone is secreted under the influence of sunlight. In a completely clogged body, vitamin D deficiency can occur, which is the main cause of osteoporosis in old age.


Skin care in childhood
While sun protection alone is sufficient for the skin of infancy and children, the same cannot be said for adolescence. Everyone, boys and girls, has had skin problems during adolescence. Acne, which occurs due to hormonal changes in the body, is noticed when three acne scars appear every day instead of one disappearing; You can control it at least a little during this time by keeping it clean and using different drying creams.


Sulfur soaps or various non-cosmetic drugs will be useful, especially if used during this period. The basis of products with antibacterial properties is cleansing. If you pop or pinch the resulting pimples, they can leave permanent scars on your face and stay with you for life. For this reason it must be cleaned carefully, day and night.


Skin care in youth
You should start using a light moisturizer when you are young, around your 20s. In these years it is sufficient to clean and moisturize the skin. The skin has now found its balance. Normally it is possible to define one of the skin types: oily, dry, combination or normal. It is important to know your skin type, ask experts for advice and periodically check the products you will use.


Weather conditions, stress, environmental changes, eating and drinking habits can influence your skin type and make you change the products you use. Freshly applied makeup should be removed overnight and at the end of the day and the use of foundation should be avoided. Less makeup means less damage to your skin. For this reason it is necessary to help the skin to rest by keeping it away from makeup on certain days.

Skin care in your 30s
Eye creams, which begin to be used from the age of 30, are absolutely necessary to delay the deepening of crow’s feet at the corners of the eyes due to facial expressions. To prevent skin aging and breakouts, you should upgrade to superior moisturizers. During this period, weekly facial massages and various masks are very necessary. Who wouldn’t want to have 30 year old skin when they’re 50…

The production of collagen, a substance that gives elasticity, begins to decline towards the end of the 30s. This means that the oval of the face begins to relax. You can also take moisturizers or dietary supplements that contain hyaluronic acid, the active ingredient that causes wrinkles.

Skin care at 40
At 40 you have entered a path of no return. If you haven’t done anything yet, you now have wrinkles. Skin renewal slows down and the presence of gravity becomes more evident. There is sagging under the chin and loss of tension in the cheeks. However, surgeries or expensive methods that need to be repeated will make your skin look younger for a while. If you have treated your skin well all this time, little by little you will reap the benefits.

If you have done the above, you just need to take it one step further. On your makeup table you will now find special creams containing various vitamins, serums that help against tension and night creams for skin that needs more hydration. New regulations on the consumption of dietary supplements such as vitamin E, coq10, etc. may be necessary. taken for your skin and foods where you can buy them.

While you can only benefit from products from the cosmetic world for your skin at every stage of your life, you can also use products found in nature. The special care you give yourself can show its effects longer than cosmetic products. Your skin is the protective covering of our body. We need to treat it delicately and take care of it before the cover wears out too much.


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