18 Ways To Use Murphy Oil Soap In The Bathroom

18 Ways To Use Murphy Oil Soap In The Bathroom

A versatile, eco-friendly cleaner, Murphy Oil Soap has long been prized for its effectiveness on wood surfaces. But did you know that it can be just as useful in the bathroom? Here are 18 ways to use Murphy Oil Soap to keep your bathroom sparkling and fresh.

Clean Bathtubs and Showers: Dilute Murphy Oil Soap with water and use it to clean bathtubs and showers. It helps remove soap scum and dirt without damaging surfaces.

Shine Fixtures: Use a cloth dampened with Murphy Oil Soap to clean and shine bathroom fixtures, such as faucets and handles.

Clean Tile Grout: Mix Murphy Oil Soap with baking soda to create a paste. Apply the paste to tile grout, scrub with a brush, and rinse thoroughly.

Clean Mirrors and Glass: Mix Murphy Oil Soap with water in a spray bottle and use it to clean mirrors and glass surfaces in the bathroom.

Clean Toilet Bowls: Pour Murphy Oil Soap into the toilet bowl, scrub with a toilet brush, and flush to clean and deodorize.

Clean Vanity Tops: Use Murphy Oil Soap to clean and shine vanity tops, including marble, granite, and laminate surfaces.

Clean Floors: Add Murphy Oil Soap to a bucket of warm water and use it to mop bathroom floors for a clean and shiny finish.

Remove Soap Scum: Apply undiluted Murphy Oil Soap to a sponge or cloth and use it to remove stubborn soap scum from shower doors, tiles, and tubs.

Clean Wood Cabinets: Use Murphy Oil Soap to clean and polish wood cabinets in the bathroom.

Clean Brushes and Combs: Soak brushes and combs in a solution of Murphy Oil Soap and warm water to remove dirt and oils.

Clean Shower Curtains: Mix Murphy Oil Soap with water and use it to clean shower curtains. Rinse thoroughly and hang to dry.

Remove Mildew: Apply undiluted Murphy Oil Soap to mildew spots, scrub with a brush, and rinse thoroughly.

Clean Bath Mats: Scrub bath mats with a solution of Murphy Oil Soap and water, rinse thoroughly, and hang to dry.

Clean Stainless Steel: Use Murphy Oil Soap to clean and shine stainless steel bathroom fixtures.

Clean Painted Surfaces: Use Murphy Oil Soap to clean painted bathroom walls and cabinets. Test in an inconspicuous area first.

Clean Vinyl Flooring: Add Murphy Oil Soap to warm water and use it to clean and shine vinyl flooring in the bathroom.

Clean Ceramic Sinks: Use Murphy Oil Soap to clean and shine ceramic sinks in the bathroom.

Remove Water Stains: Apply undiluted Murphy Oil Soap to water stains on bathroom surfaces, let it sit for a few minutes, then scrub and rinse thoroughly.

Always test Murphy Oil Soap in an inconspicuous area before using it on a larger surface to ensure compatibility and avoid damage.


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