17 Effective Ways To Keep Spiders Away From Your Home

17 Effective Ways To Keep Spiders Away From Your Home

Spinnen spielen eine wesentliche Rolle im Ökosystem, indem sie Insektenpopulationen kontrollieren, aber ihre Anwesenheit in und um unsere Häuser kann für viele Anlass zur Sorge geben. Wenn Sie zu den Menschen gehören, die Spinnen lieber in sicherer Entfernung halten, haben Sie Glück! Es gibt zahlreiche natürliche und praktische Methoden, um diese Spinnentiere davon abzuhalten, in Ihrem Wohnraum ihr Lager aufzuschlagen. Hier sind 17 effektive Möglichkeiten, Spinnen von Ihrem Zuhause fernzuhalten.


Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home for gaps, cracks, and openings where spiders can enter. Seal them with caulk or weatherstripping.

Keep Your Home Clean: Regularly clean and declutter your home to remove spider webs, eggs, and hiding spots.

Remove Outdoor Debris: Keep outdoor areas clean and free of debris, such as woodpiles and mulch, which can attract spiders.

Trim Vegetation: Trim vegetation and plants away from your home’s exterior to reduce hiding spots for spiders.

Use Vinegar: Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle and use it to spray around entry points and other areas where spiders are present.

Citrus Peels: Place citrus peels around entry points to deter spiders, as they dislike the scent of citrus.

Use Essential Oils: Certain essential oils, such as peppermint, lavender, and tea tree oil, can repel spiders. Mix a few drops with water in a spray bottle and spray around entry points and other areas where spiders are present.

Cedarwood: Use cedarwood chips or cedarwood oil in closets, drawers, and other areas to repel spiders.

Keep Outdoor Lights Off: Spiders are attracted to light, so keep outdoor lights off or use yellow or sodium vapor lights, which are less attractive to insects.

Use Sticky Traps: Place sticky traps in areas where spiders are present to trap them. These traps are non-toxic and safe to use around pets and children.

Seal Food Containers: Store food in airtight containers to prevent attracting other insects that spiders may feed on.

Reduce Moisture: Spiders are attracted to moisture, so fix any leaks and reduce humidity levels in your home.

Use Diatomaceous Earth: Sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth around entry points and other areas where spiders are present. It is safe for humans and pets but can be abrasive, so use caution.

Use Catnip: Catnip contains a compound called nepetalactone, which is a natural repellent for insects, including spiders. Place catnip sachets around your home to deter spiders.

Use Horse Chestnuts: Some people believe that horse chestnuts (also known as conkers) can repel spiders. Place them in corners and other areas where spiders are present.

Use Eucalyptus Leaves: Place eucalyptus leaves in closets, drawers, and other areas to repel spiders.

Professional Pest Control: If you have a severe spider infestation, consider hiring a professional pest control service to eliminate the spiders from your home.


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